Sunday, September 7, 2008

Personal Progress

Brandon working Soak em' in Cider.

Outdoor comps are coming up at Vedauwoo and Horsetooth, so we're getting out to both areas as much as we can. We both hope to show improvement by getting better scores than last time. We want personal best performances, and are mostly competing with ourselves.

I was concerned this year, after falling off of most of my harder projects over the summer. I made progress on what are now multi-year projects, but didn't send many problems at the upper end of my grade range. I thought that age and swollen fingers were catching up with me, and that I might already be facing a future of inevitable decline in my bouldering ability. Yesterday's session at Vedauwoo with Brandon and Amanda changed my attitude. "Iron Maiden" felt much better than it ever has before. I hit the last hold on four attempts. Never quite stuck it, but I know I'm stronger than last year. Sometimes the only way you can tell if you're making progress is by getting on old projects and seeing how they feel.

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