We got out for a perfect climbing day on Halloween. The weather couldn't have been better, and we climbed three classic 5.11s. Might not sound like much climbing, but the routes at Sinks are long. Three Sinks climbs is equal to at least five at Wild Iris, and my arms are still pumped a day later.
We hiked up through snow.

But the cliffs were dry.

It was a crowded day by Wyoming standards. There were other climbers to take photos of!

I gave the camera to Sierra, and she got these shots of us on "Whipperly Wamberly Walk."

On the hike out, the hill was snow free.

On Friday we watched the documentary Man on Wire.

I'd recommend the film to anyone, and I highly recommend it for climbers. It isn't climbing, but any climber will understand Petit's motivation and appreciate the commitment needed to achieve his goal of wire walking between the World Trade Center towers. As inspirational as any climbing movie I've seen.
seems like these kind of beautiful, clear, snowy, WARM days are only possible in the west... very special.
WORD to photos!
Yeah, I'd agree. I don't remember having any warm snowy days while growing up in Iowa. Usually just damp, cloudy, snowy and cold.
It looks like more perfect weather will be here this weekend. It might be time to take a short trip.
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