Sunday, November 11, 2007

Another Day on the Emily Boulder.

Yesterday, we headed back to the Emily boulder to try the three projects we didn't get last time. One got sent. One broke, but we think it could still be climbed. The other we decided was way beyond us. Then we thought up a new line which has become our new project. Ashley sent the first project, a sit down start on a rail. We thought it would go with a big move from the rail to a crack system, but the left leaning angle made this difficult. I could slap the higher crack, but I would fall off to the left every time. Ashley eventually unlocked it by using two tiny crimps in between. I came very close, but couldn't quite get my weight over the high step. It could be anywhere from V5 to V7, maybe V4 if you're tall enough to reach the right part of the crack. Ashley is on a "My Little Pony" kick at the moment, and named the problem "Rainbow Dash."

She insists that the next problem she gets a first ascent of will be called "Pinky Pie." This has me left me doubly motivated to get strong enough to send problems before she does. I don't want to let her ruin areas with silly names. If you're going to name boulder problems after cartoon characters at least pick cool ones like the Thundercats. Even the Smurfs are way cooler than My Little Pony.

We also climbed a problem that Jacob named "Emily's Meditation." It's quite fun, and is probably V4 or 5 depending on height.

After hiking around and checking out some other problems Jacob gave us directions to, we drove home to prepare for the Inner Strength Potluck and Slideshow night. We had a great time catching up with everybody. The food was great, and all the slideshows were a lot of fun this year. Thanks to Mike and Tracy for organizing and holding this event each year. It has become one of our favorite traditions.

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