Monday, May 18, 2009

Everybody Loves Red Feather (Even Ashley)

Pasque Flowers

On Sunday we went to Red Feather with Scott, Alexis, all the kids, and our dogs. Blake and Erin (sp?) saw us with our pads, and decided to join our crew.

We made a good team.

More spring blossoms

We warmed up on the warm up wall. The day was also warming quickly. Scott suggested we get to my project "Fat Man in a Little Coat." I was excited to try some new beta Jacob told me about, but the rock was pretty warm and the problem felt just as sketchy awkward as last year.

I was monopolizing the pads, and no one else was psyched on trying, so I moved on after three tries. Everyone was psyched on what we've been calling the "Unnamed V6" just to the left.
Scott working the line.

We each gave it many attempts. Eventually Blake got the sending started.

Ashley sent it next with some insane/improbable looking, high feet double undercling beta. I was spotting so I couldn't get any photos. This really got me psyched. I had written off the problem as being impossible for her. I wasn't even sure if it was possible for me, but now I had to do it. By committing to an insecure high right foot jam, getting a high left foot, and shooting up with my left hand, I finally unlocked the thing.

Three ascents were made, using three very different methods.

While we were there Old Man Ken joined the crew. He had heard us while hiking around, looking at problems.
Ken climbing "Crumb Bum."

Scott, Blake, and Erin headed out, but the rest of us made one more stop at the "Huggy Bear" wall which was now in the shade. Ken sent "Huggy Bear", Ashley sent a nice traverse across the Huggy Bear wall, and I felt too worked to top out the highball to the right and escaped by grabbing and downclimbing a tree.

Ashley, Alexis, and Kendal on the hike out.

It feels great to spend a full day bouldering in the mountains with a full season still ahead.

1 comment:

jacob said...

hey, the 6 is called wringing the the ringneck or feldsparring.