The weather forecast wasn't good for today. High wind warnings, dust storm advisory, and temps in the 40s. The wind was supposed to really kick up around 11, so we got an early start at 8:30. We went to the top of North Mountain, and tried to get out of the breeze. Ashley did great on a variety of problems with obscene names. After climbing "Daily Dick Dose" V7 she got "Roger in the Bath" V7 and "Pumped Full of Semen" V9. I did "Daily Dick Dose" as well, and got all the moves on the V9. I'll probably get "it" on Saturday. I decided not to type that one again by name. Then the wind got bad. We headed home early. We didn't get many photos today, but we'll get more when the weather is better.
In other news: The Mushroom Boulder is now closed due to erosion/archaeological disturbance concerns. It has two V8 projects I worked on last year, and was hoping to do this year. I'm disappointed that I may never be able to do them.
hey guys
it looks a little chilly, but at least there's no snow. good thing that you got out when you did. nice send ashley. i'm expecting you to send four v10's, 2 v11's and another v12(so all the doubters will eat there words). and david, i expect you to send some 10's and an 11, or you won't be allowed back in the fort.
you two sound like you're climbing strong so you'll probably exceed my expectations. sierra and autumn appear to be climbing well also. i heard sierra is working slashface and is close to a send.
anyway- have fun, be safe, take a ton of pics and bring back some of that sending power so it may rub off on me.
Thanks Jacob,
We'll be trying to meet or exceed your expectations, while remembering that it is the experience that matters most. If the V10 quest isn't working out, I'll quickly switch to chasing star ratings instead. Sierra is finding a lot of problems that suit her, and Autumn is hiking on her own most of the time. It's a good time.
i'm with you david, i'd rather chase stars than numbers any day.
it looks like a bad day of climbing down there is better than most. so how can you go wrong?
Have a blast down there and come home safe!!!
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