Sunday, June 15, 2008

Photo Assignment at the Poudre

It was a good week of climbing. I spent an early morning session at Hobo Cave on Wednesday, and did the Hobo Cave Traverse. It's a project I didn't want to leave until fall, after coming very close earlier in the year. On Friday we went to the 420's. The weather was perfect, and the mosquitoes weren't bad. We spent the day working Surfin' the Tsunami which still feels hard despite the new crimp where the pinch used to be. Someone did a lot of work up there moving trees off the trail and improving the bridges with notched logs and supports against trees to keep them in place.

I was impressed. My daughters could cross safely without being carried.

Ashley and I are taking a digital photography class, and we had an assignment to take 70 shots framing the photos in certain ways. The following photos from the 420's were taken for the class.


Ashfrin said...

Nice pictures. You make me want to get up off my lazy butt and explore my backyard.

chuffer said...

Props to whomever put in the sturdy new stream crossing at the 420's. How about a bridge over to the Gandalf Area?