Here's a photo of Ashley climbing a portion from the opposite angle.
Ashley put up a short new V4 a couple hundred feet to the east called "Hamstring" with a tough crux heal hook.
During another session Ashley climbed "Another Toe in the Ocean" V5 using a less reachy variation that looks a lot harder than the sequence I use.
A couple weeks later, Kian got the third ascent.
We were filmed on that day for a documentary series called "This American Land." I'll let you know when it airs.
Another day I set up a rope to try out a tall crack project. It still needs some brushing, and it will be difficult.
To the right I climbed a new line called "Spookier than Expected" V3.Here's a portrait of Sierra and the view from what I'm calling the "Bird Bath" zone. Later that day she climbed "The Hampi Traverse" V7.
We got another good Sweetwater session in at the "Weapons of Mass Destruction" sector before the snow came in. I repeated "Falkor" V5 and Sierra climbed "Fight the Nothing" V7. Sierra almost climbed "Weapons of Mass Destruction" and Ashley had a good time showing her how it's done.
On the downhill side of the boulder I added a new problem called "Top Down" V5 that starts as shown in the photo below.
The line might not be finished though. It should have a V8-10 sit start one day.
And that's the news from Sweetwater last Fall.
While I was out filming "This American Land" at Sweetwater, Ashley and Sierra were away. They were checking out the bouldering around Chattanooga, TN. They competed in the Triple Crown Bouldering at Stone Fort, and spent a day at Rock Town, Georgia.

They report that the southern sandstone is good. I still haven't climbed on it yet.
I spent one perfect afternoon out at Oz with Steve, Noah, Siemay, and Zun.
A portrait of Steve at the end of the session.
We figured out a start to Jon's tall warmup that doesn't use the block under the roof. I put it together first, and called it "While You're Away" V5. It has immaculate stone.
Steve trying "While You're Away."
Siemay climbing the V4 left stand to "A Tribe Called Lander". We also did a V6 stand version to the right. None of us were able to climb Chris' full line that day.
Zun climbed a bunch of nice new lines on the block just north of "A Tribe Called Lander." I think it will become known as Zun's Block.
I'm still looking forward to doing a lot more climbing and exploration out there.
Davin and Bryan made a trip for what looked like a perfect day in the Kitchen. But high winds blew rain across the divide and into the canyon all morning. In the afternoon, things dried up well enough to climb, but conditions weren't ideal.
Davin demonstrating the crux on "Viscountess Olive."
Bryan working "Larry Bird."
The humidity stayed high and the rock never felt quite dry enough. No lines were sent, but we had a fun day on hard projects, shared our knowledge, and looked at some new things.Jesse Brown shared topos to Flaming Gorge with me a few years ago, and it bothered me that I still hadn't checked out one of the best looking sectors. So we spent a nice day climbing there with Steve and Jan.
We all warmed up on a perfect line of slots that Jesse called "100 Degrees of Hate" V1.
And then climbed a crimpy line called"Jesse's Lap Dance" V4.
We did a few more moderates that I didn't get photos of, and ended the day on another great line called "Robber's Roost" V4.
The sector is beautiful and it still has a lot of potential, but it hasn't gotten much traffic, and the lichen is growing back.
Then the weather abruptly switched from a very warm fall to a very cold winter. With Davin's help and direction, Sierra and I have hiked some areas that could offer winter bouldering near Lander.
And we've seen some beautiful landscapes along the way.
Sierra almost flashed "The Good Earth Traverse" V8. She got it on her second try.
We sought out warmer temps at Unaweep Canyon, CO over Thanksgiving break.
Sierra flashed "Chinese Algebra" V6
During the most recent cold weekends we've gone to Sinks canyon.
With one day spent at the beach.
And another day I went sport climbing with Sierra at the Main Wall.
It was only 13 degrees in Lander, but the cliffs were really nice that day.
And that's what we've been up to. But there is an underlying theme to this long and wide ranging post. The truth is what's out there, and the possibilities are what can be done with the truth. We spent the last season searching for both.
Once again, I'm working on this blog on New Years Eve as the fireworks go off in Lander. We just got back from a Christmas trip to New Mexico today, but this post is long enough already. I'll have photos from Roy, and the 2016 List of new boulder problems posted soon.
Happy New Year!