We had two fun sessions bouldering at Cody last weekend. We were in the mood for a trip, and the concentration and quality of developed problems on Cedar Mountain keeps calling us back. On Saturday, the Snyder family joined us at the Sheep Camp area, and Mike gave us a tour of many great problems. Half of them were new lines, done since the guide was published.
Mike climbing the classic "Tiger Style."

Ashley sending "Manley Traverse."

We enjoyed getting to know Mike and Meg, and we had a productive session too. With lots of good beta, I climbed "Ahona Verdugo" and the highlight of the day was watching Mike get the first ascent of a classic and difficult line that climbs from a sit start on the right arete into the top out of "Ahona Verdugo." It will probably be named "When Life Gives You Lemons" and it's on the top of my list when we get back.
Here are a couple photos of Mike working the problem.

Meg recommended a Mexican restaurant, and it was just as good as any I've visited in El Paso.

I thought it was supposed to be cold and rainy on Sunday, but when we got up the weather looked good. I was a bit stressed about all the work waiting for me back in Lander, but Ashley talked me into a short session at the Stonehenge Area before we drove home.
Another shot of "Arnold Palmer."

Ashley climbing "Shyza."

Getting scared, but topping out anyway on "Narmar Arete."

I continue to be impressed with the bouldering on Cedar Mountain. Thanks for the tour Mike, and all the effort you've put into the area. We're looking forward to our next trip, and hope that we can get out with you all again.